Leadership and Self-Differentiation

How Self-Differentiation is a Catalyst for Leadership

If you’re looking for personal growth, self-differentiation is the guiding principle to balance autonomy and nurturing meaningful connections. Self-differentiation is the defining characteristic of a good leaders. It’s characterized by intentional growth, where individuals strive to understand their place in their families, take responsibility for their lives, and cultivate autonomy while deepening intimacy with others….

6 decision making strategies for effective leaders

6 decision making strategies for effective leaders

Lack of clarity about decision making is the dominant cause of mistrust and low productivity.  You can increase trust by being clear about who makes the decision and by understanding that there are different decision-making styles, all of which are okay.  Effective decision-making is a crucial skill in both our personal and professional lives. While…

A better way to say - You misunderstood me

A better way to say – You misunderstood me

You’ve said this word a million times, and you’re not wrong, misunderstandings happen all the time. The interpersonal gap in communication is a real thing, and bridging the gap can help by using your words differently to clarify your intent. A better way to say “you misunderstood” is by omitting these two words altogether and…

How describing behavior can improve communication

How describing behavior can improve communication

Have you ever watched a news or political debate and felt frustrated by the poor communication, blame, and judgement toward one another.  We all make judgments of other’s behaviors, but our interpretation of others is not always right.  Behavior description is a basic way to improve communication and bridge the interpersonal gap.  Since we all…

Intent vs Impact

Understanding the Interpersonal Gap – Intent vs impact

Have you ever said something that was misunderstood, and no amount of clarification made it better? We all use verbal and nonverbal cues to convey our thoughts, feelings, and intentions, but a lot of the time things get misinterpreted or lost in translation. This can be due to differences in personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, language…

How to listen better by parroting and paraphrasing

How to listen better by parroting and paraphrasing

There’s a huge problem with how we listen. If you tell someone your email, they usually repeat it to make sure they heard it correctly. This happens in radio communication or when sharing a string of numbers. But if you tell someone a more complex statement, they usually agree or disagree without checking what you…