How to make a Charcoal Solar oven (Reflector)

How to make a Charcoal Solar oven (Reflector)

Using a Charcoal Reflector Oven, I was able to generate 300-350 degrees using only 4 – 5 charcoal briquettes. I cooked a batch of dinner rolls and cinnamon rolls. It was very efficientcompared to a 12-inch Dutch Oven requiring 24 briquettes to accomplish the same thing. Here is what you will need: 1. Line the box with aluminum foil Some people use…

Stake Emergency Action Checklist for Latter-Day Saints

Stake Emergency Action Checklist for Latter-Day Saints

Organizing an action list for an emergency isn’t a one-person job. It takes a group of leaders to delegate individual responsibilities to have the greatest impact. In times of crisis and uncertainty, it is crucial for Latter-Day Saints (LDS) to be prepared both spiritually and temporally. To aid in this preparedness, a Stake Emergency Action…

The best emergency communication apps for Latter-Day Saints

The best emergency communication apps for Latter-Day Saints

There are a number of platforms to use while communicating to Latter-Day Saints during a disaster or emergency. During most emergencies, cell phones and social media may be available to coordinate activities and provide vital information.  The best emergency communication apps are group me and gospel living (circles). These apps should be developed and practiced…